The minister is a registered marriage celebrant. Bookings are essential well ahead of time.
It is usual to have a number of interviews with the minister and a rehearsal – usually the day before the wedding.
While we prefer weddings to be conducted in the church itself, we are open to requests for weddings in other spaces and places.
Make contact through the Church office.

New births are awesome events and we take pleasure in sharing in such special celebrations.
We offer Infant Baptism or Child Blessing – in each case the service/ceremony will be tailored to the appropriate form. We also offer a special service for Adult Baptism.
The minister will meet with the parents on a couple of occasions. Provision can be made for Grandparents and Godparents to participate in the service.
Make contact with the Church office.

Although sad occasions, funerals are also special family events. We are sensitive to the needs of people who often need to make arrangements suddenly and in distressing circumstances.
The Village Church is available for funeral services of people whether they are regular worshippers here or not. We work in good relation with funeral homes in all aspects of the planning and conducting of such services.
Make direct contact with the minister through the Church office.