Your Friday nights don’t have to be the same – come and join us at Merge Youth! We welcome all Intermediate (Y7-8) and College (Y9-13) aged young people to check out the action for themselves.
Khandallah Presbyterian has officially joined forces with Ngaio Union and Johnsonville Uniting to deliver a youth group for those three communities and beyond. From Johnsonville to Wadestown and everywhere in between, our youthies come from diverse backgrounds to enjoy one another’s company.
Our Friday nights have a strong social focus – from life-sized board games to Master Chef competitions, mini Olympics to Nerf challenges – no two weeks are exactly the same! Once a term we may head offsite (think rock climbing, laser tag or bubble soccer), but it is the friendship and hilarity that makes Merge Youth such a unique space.
Fellowship is also fostered over the occasional hot chocolate or pizza night. Mixing up high energy activities with the odd treat allows our young people to simply be themselves around one another.
We do close the night with a 10 minute, faith-based discussion (‘God Time’) led by one of our leaders. While we will share our perspective on a topic, no question is off limit and no thought, opinion or comment is dismissed as wrong. We feel there is a great deal of value in our youthies exploring questions of faith in a supportive and inquisitive environment.
If you have any questions, or would like to know more, please get in touch with us today!
