Holy Week
1 0th
Palm Sunday
Join us at KPC or online for this first day of Holy Week.
Normal service details can be found on our Worship page.
10am start.
Maundy Thursday
The name ‘Maundy Thursday’ is derived from the Latin word for command and refers to Jesus’ commandment to the disciples to love one another as I have loved you.
On Maundy Thursday, we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples where he breaks bread and pours wine, offers them to his disciples saying, do this remembering me.
7pm, KPC.
Good Friday
Join us on the 'pilgrimage of the cross' walk alongside JUC and the wider community.
Meet at Johnsonville Uniting Church, 11am start.
Take some time and follow your own 'Reflective Walk' path.
Find the details here or download a copy to take with you.
You're invited to take this journey on your own time over Holy Week, but please note the KPC cross will only be set up for the times below.
12 - 3pm, KPC and the Village.
Easter Sunday
Start this special day with a Dawn Service at KPC.
7am, KPC.
Easter Sunday
Join us for a Communion service on Easter Sunday at KPC.
Celebrate the culmination of Holy Week in person or online.
10am, KPC or on Zoom.